Department of Physics Dr. Bal Ram GhimireM.Sc. in Physics, Ph.D. from Us (Physics) Dr. Bhawani Datt JoshiM.Sc. in Physics, Ph.D. and Post Doc.(Physics) Dr. Ajaya Kumar JhaM.Sc. in Physics, Ph.D (Physics) Mr. Dipak Singh ThapaM.Sc. in Physics (Physics) Mr. Krishna Dev BhattM.Sc. in Physics(Physics) Mr. Mahadev Awasthi M.Sc. in Physics(Physics) Mr. Prakash KhatriM.Sc. in Physics(Physics) Mr. Prakash BokatiM.Sc. in Physics(Physics) Department of Chemistry Mr . Ram Bahadur KCM.Sc. in Chemistry (Chemistry) Prof. Dr. Bhawani Chand ThakuriM.Sc. in Chemistry, Ph.D.(Chemistry) Mr. Bishan Singh AireeM.Sc. in Chemistry (Chemistry) Prof. Dr. Paras Nath ChaudharyM.Sc. in Chemistry, Ph.D.(Chemistry) Mr. Indra Dev Mishra Chemistry (Chemistry) Mr. Lok Raj JoshiM.Sc. in Chemistry (Chemistry) Department of Biology Dr. Karbir Singh KhatriM.Sc. in Botany, Ph.D.(Biology) Dr. Man Dev BhattM.Sc. in Botany, Ph.D.(Biology) Dr. Mahadev BistM.Sc. in Zoology, Ph.D. (Biology) Mr. Santosh PandeyM.Sc. in Zoology(Biology) Department of English Mr. Tribhuwan Kumar BhattM.A. in English, Sociology Mr. Dhan Raj BistM.A. in English Mr. Sher Bahadur ChandM.A. in English Mrs. Chandani PantM.A. in English Mr. Ganesh JoshiMed in English (English) Mr. Surya Bahadur Chand Med in English (English) Department of Nepali Mr. Tika Datt DahalM.A., Bed in Nepali, Ph.D. Scholor Mrs. Pabitra SaudM.Ed. in Nepali Mr. Dhurva Raj UpadhyayaM.Ed. in Nepali Mrs. Hemanti AwasthiM.Ed. in Nepali Ms. Mohini BhattM.Ed. in Nepali Department of Management Mr. Ganesh Pd. Chataut Msc in CSIT (Computer Science) Mr. Keshav Raj Joshi MBS (B. Std./Account) Mr. Krishna BhandariMBS (Account) Mr. Yagya Raj UpadhyayaMA (Economics) Mr. Jawahar Bist M.A. in Sociology Department of Mathematics Prof. Dr. Choodamani JoshiM.Sc. Ph.D. in Mathematics (Math) Dr. Krishna Bahadur Chand M.Sc. Ph.D. in Mathematics (Math) Dr. Ghan Shyam Pant M.Sc. Ph.D. in Mathematics (Math) Mr. Kamal Raj Bhandari M.A. in Mathematics (Math) Mr. Yagya Raj Pant M.A. in Mathematics (Math)